To honor this tradition, the Cathedral
Choral Society proudly presents an annual British Choir Festival at Washington
National Cathedral. The first official festival took place in 1986, when the
Laura E. Phillips endowment for the festival was created.
This year, we are so pleased to host
the Saint Thomas and New College Choirs for British Choir Festival - 2010! In the
weeks leading up to the festival on April 18th, we will feature a brief
interview with past and present members of each choir to discuss what the
tradition means to them and where it all started.
Today's interview
features Matthew Brown, a UK native. Mr. Brown has been singing in the
Anglican tradition since childhood. He now resides in New York City, and
sings with the Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys as a countertenor.
How/when did you begin singing?
I played violin from an early age, and could
read music and hold a line, so I joined the school choir when I was ten. I
joined my first church choir at Saint Margaret's, Westminster shortly thereafter
(as a treble).
What does singing in this British Anglican
tradition mean to you?
It means singing beautiful music with talented
musicians, and giving long-dead composers eternal life through the performance
of their music.
What does the choir bring to your understanding
of yourself as a singer?
It helps me listen to others; to understand the
importance of working in an ensemble for one's own musical development.
What are the best parts of singing with your
Singing in the amazing space at Saint Thomas
Church and the feeling of pride when singing to a packed crowd.
What is it like to come together with other
similar choirs to sing in this Festival?
It's amazing to sing with other choirs, and to
quickly adapt to new conductors. It also gives us the opportunity to sing Spem
in Alium, which would be impossible with just one choir.
What is your favorite thing about Washington
National Cathedral?
The sense of space, the mix of the modern and
the traditional, the smell of history in the air.
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