January 12, 2010

2010 Choral Space Odyssey

It is difficult to talk about the end of 2009 when our season is only at the halfway mark. The 2009-2010 season has been a series of amazing events and celebrations, and we are ready and raring for 2010. This season, we have created a wonderful new group called the "CCS Ensemble Singers." The group is comprised of a rotating handful of regular CCS members that are available for local events and parties. They have performed at our fall retail fund raising events, the New Zealand Embassy, and in December, received the ultimate invitation: To provide holiday music at The White House.

This was a wonderful honor for the singers representing CCS and was hugely successful. Their artistic interpretation of holiday favorites entertained the likes of Al Roker, Andrea Mitchell, Bill O'Reilly and Wolf Blitzer. The singers were led by chorus master, Todd Fickley, and following the performance, were all introduced to the President of the United States and the First Lady.

We on the CCS staff are so proud of all the singers who participate in the "Ensemble Singers," for representing entire chorus so beautifully.

There are several exciting things in store for this season including more Young Professionals events, a "Twitter Balcony," and our final concert, Reilly & Friends: A Celebration of Twenty-Five Years - a concert sure to be a treat you will not want to miss.

Happy New Year!

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